As with every game and community, Valorant has a lot of in-jokes and language. The vast majority of these have transferred across from other games or are just general gaming terms, but there are a few which are particularly unique to Valorant and you will definitely want to know what these are.
What is Team Ace?
If you’ve just finished a round and you see that you have a Team Ace is a great result. Even if you don’t know what it means yet. You might already know that an Ace is a player who manages to kill all five of the other players on a team, so you know that an Ace is a great thing to be called.
So the Team Ace can’t be bad at all. It actually shows that you have a great team of pretty equally skilled players. The term is used when every player of your team has killed one member of the opposition in the round. It means that you all killed someone and that you have a balanced result for that round.
What is Thrifty?
Being called Thrifty in the real world, would mean that you are great at using up resources and making the most of what you have. It means that you haven’t gone out and bought a brand-new gaming table when you had a perfectly good one at home that just needed a bit of a clean.
In Valorant, it’s got a pretty similar meaning. The Thrifty term is earned by a team who manages to win a round while spending less money than their opponents. The winning team has not wasted money on guns or ammo which wasn’t needed to win the battle and they have done it on the bare essentials.
Teams will try and collect the Thrifty tag as much as possible, as it means that they are saving money. Saving rounds in a game, meaning that we have to buy less for the next game. It allows us to save money and when the time is right buy a better shield or armor.
Sometimes it’s great to see how the other teams play Thrifty, use Valorant stat Tracker guide to see what the pro teams do and see if it helps your game.
Find an A to Z
One of the easiest ways to find out what the term in your latest reward means, is to find a good A to Z guide. Starting with Ace and heading down to Wallbang, knowing what you are doing t crucial to a successful strategy. Even knowing that Wallbang was a concept will really help. This A to Z will walk you through some of the major terms and highlight some features you didn’t even know existed.
In-game terms are normally pretty easy to guess their meanings, but sometimes one will come along, which you need to look up and will change how you play the game. Enjoy being Thrifty whilst collecting the Team Ace.