Author: Shawn

Shawn is a technophile since he built his first Commodore 64 with his father. Shawn spends most of his time in his computer den criticizing other technophiles’ opinions.His editorial skills are unmatched when it comes to VPNs, online privacy, and cybersecurity.

Kids today have a shorter attention span than ever. As teachers, it’s a daily challenge for teachers to keep students engaged with their lesson plans and steer impressionable minds away from distractions aplenty. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase engagement. From posting high-impact and educational decorations from providers like Sproutbrite to commencing the school day with a mind warmup to getting idle students moving, the ceiling of opportunity is virtually untouchable.  If your student engagement strategies have fallen flat, consider harnessing the power of technology. In today’s day and age, technology is an everyday presence in a child’s life,…

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The categories in which bitcoin is classified are different in each country. For example, Canada has classified this digital currency as a taxed commodity. On the other hand, Latin American country El Salvador ranks this currency in legal tender. However, bitcoin is a currency alongside being a store of value.  However, bitcoin is correspondingly famous as a transaction network and investment asset class. Before bitcoin, many developers tried to create a cryptocurrency but never succeeded, and bitcoin was the foremost successful project having such fundamentals. If bitcoin trading also excites, then visit AI trading robot to get a detailed analysis…

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Digital currencies are considered to be a grey area in this country. As per this country’s current cryptocurrency regulatory framework, digital currencies are not illegal and legal. Recently the Finance Minister of India depicted the legal condition of these digital currencies in India.  She announced that the upcoming parliament session would tab the digital currency bill. If bitcoin trading entices you, then visit the to know more about it. Although the legality of digital currencies in India is uncertain, as the finance minister said, India can still ban digital currencies outright. Here is everything you should know about the…

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Cryptocurrencies are a new form of an asset compared to fiat currency, and just not the virtuality of these tokens makes them different from real-time money. But also, the fact that the revolutionizing blockchain technology makes them far more superior than any other form of currency held by the respective governmental body. The electronic tender is easy to carry and has a high return on investment due to high volatility. In contrast, there is no third-party charges deduction over any transaction performed via virtual tokens because there is a peer-to-peer transfer system that includes no intermediator. If you want to…

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Crypto markets system is one of the most prominent and vital market areas in the present market area. Do you want to know about bitcoin trading? Visit Ekrona Cryptocurrency Trading App to know more about it. As a currency alternative, it has significant influence in India with a substantial economic dependence. Moreover, the cryptic market in India is among the most significant crypto capital area, and considering this factor, new bills regarding regulation in this market area. Regulations in the Indian economy are the most challenging because of the enormous market, which demands security measurements in every market area, and…

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As the name suggests, automated trading systems are mechanisms that allow stock traders to create rules for trading in various assets and derivatives in such a manner that the trading can be done via a computer. The trader only has to set the rules as to entry and exit of the trades and then the algorithm takes care of the rest. This is why it is also known as algorithmic trading or system trading. The most important aspect that rules the market is sentiment. However, the most intelligent investors realize that the best financing decisions are taken with a calculated…

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