Hundreds of thousands of employees across the United Kingdom and the world are required to wear a corporate uniform to look professional and portray a positive brand image of the company they work for.
Even though many present-day startups prefer to have a casual work attire system, organisations that prefer to work with uniform companies to produce bespoke, traditional uniforms remain unaffected by this growing trend.
This leads us to a major question:
What makes a unique dressing code so effective that it can contribute to your organisation’s success and make it one of the top companies in the world?
Let’s try to find out!
Unique Dressing Culture & Organisational Succes:
Before drawing a connection between an organisation’s dressing culture and its success, we first need to understand why it remains so relevant today, despite being in existence for so many decades.
A professional dress code binds all employees together and inspires them to work towards a common goal that can push the organisation to greater heights. It promotes equality, so that all employees are the same, despite their own personal backgrounds.
Besides, it sets you apart from competitors and ensures that your employees have the required confidence to pitch your products and services to potential clients and create a positive brand image of your company in the market.
If you’re in the retail industry and have multiple store setups, a dress code can make it easy for visitors to differentiate the store staff from the public without any problems, and approach them in case of any query or doubts related to a purchase. This can further improve customer satisfaction and result in higher sales revenue than ever.
One of the common problems that many organisations face is a massive attrition rate, which is mainly caused by employee dissatisfaction. Often, a complicated hierarchy and lack of open communication at the workplace lead to this problem.
A dress code can ensure that employees find their senior staff members approachable, thereby ensuring that open communication is maintained and that they can discuss any problems or concerns with them. This can positively impact employee turnover by a considerable margin.
There is no doubt that the casual work uniform culture is tempting, but it’s impractical to head to a client meeting in the same attire you’d wear at the gym or supermarket. You need a completely changed mindset when you enter your organisation to maintain the professionalism your business is known for. A proper dress code can prepare your mind for this and help you get positive results.
Does a Unique Dressing Culture Contribute to Organisational Success?
Now that we have discussed the importance of a unique dressing culture in detail, it’s easy to address the elephant in the room.
A unique dressing culture not only inspires employees to work as part of a team and achieve organisational targets, but it also contributes towards creating a positive brand image that ultimately leads to more sales, client acquisition and profit.
Challenges You Might Face While Implementing a Dressing Code
There are hundreds of organisations — both small and large — where a dress code is paramount. However, in organisations where there is no strict dress code in place, enforcing one could lead to many issues.
Employees who are used to wearing casual clothes at work might not like the idea of following a strict dress code, which can lead to resistance and affect morale. A failure is very much on the cards if the dress code doesn’t take into consideration the practicality, climate and comfort level of employees.
This is where the roles of the senior management and HR teams become crucial. They need to pay close heed to the important factors mentioned above before making the final call and ensure employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns. When done correctly, this one decision can contribute to significant success over time.