Sooner or later, every console gamer realizes the ultimate gaming experience lies with using a PC. Generally speaking, the latest generation of gaming consoles, whether it’s Nintendo, PlayStation, or Xbox, is outdated compared to the capabilities and possibilities offered by the latest PC gaming experience.
Many console gamers learn to live with that knowledge and choose to stick with their consoles. There’s nothing wrong with that. The user-friendly nature of console gameplay helps make video games more accessible to millions of people who would otherwise never get into gaming.
With that said, you don’t need a degree from MIT to become a PC gamer. PC gaming is not especially complex. Sure, the transition from console to PC is not without a learning curve, but that’s how it goes when it comes to mastering new skills.
Video games always start off by showing the ropes to the player via tutorials and introductory gameplay. Only then is the player allowed to go forth with the game itself. Mastering PC gaming is no different. If you can endure the introductory lessons of a new video game, you can certainly endure the beginner stage of PC gaming.
The choice is yours. The following is a guide for those thinking about switching from console to PC:
Choice of Hardware
A game is only as good as the machine that runs it. For the uninitiated, the hardware conversation can be split into two main avenues: purchasing a prebuilt gaming computer or crafting your own beast from scratch.
Prebuilt systems arrive at your door ready to roar. They are the epitome of convenience, especially for those unsure about the intricacies of PC components. Brands like Alienware, CyberPowerPC, and Origin PC are revered in this arena. However, while buying a gaming computer is easier, it tends to lean toward the pricier side.
Building a custom gaming PC can be likened to constructing your own lightsaber. It’s a rite of passage, often cheaper, and tailored to your needs. From choosing your processor to finding the perfect graphics card, every component can be handpicked. And the cherry on top? The unmatched sense of achievement when you boot up your creation for the first time.
Choice of Web Browser
If you switch from console to PC, you’re probably not spending much time thinking about web browsers. But if you plan to live stream your gameplay or want reliable access to online guides and walkthroughs, the web browser you use will make or break your efforts.
While using mainstream browsers like Chrome and Firefox won’t outright ruin the PC gaming experience, they’re not the only options to consider. Using a web browser for gamers specifically designed to function alongside simultaneous gameplay is a true game-changer compared to using default browsers meant for general use. From smooth dual-screen views to custom sidebar apps to seamless video pop-outs, the features of a dedicated gaming browser are guaranteed to further enhance PC gaming.
Keyboard and Mouse Controls
Ditching the familiar grip of a console controller can be a challenging feat. Likewise, using a keyboard and mouse to play video games can seem alien and impractical.
However, this seemingly new setup allows for more nuanced and precise actions, especially in genres like first-person shooters or strategy games. While there’s a learning curve, practice, and patience will make it second nature. What’s more, you will discover the benefits of the keyboard and mouse when it comes to reaction and response.
But what if you still prefer a controller? No worries! If your heart aches for the familiar embrace of a controller, many PC games still offer compatibility with popular console controllers.
One of the main draws to PC gaming is its unparalleled freedom regarding game modifications, more commonly known as mods. While the latest generation of consoles allows for a certain degree of modding, PCs reign supreme in this regard.
Game mods can range from simple graphical enhancements to vast content additions to entirely new narratives. Popular games like Skyrim and Minecraft owe a significant chunk of their longevity to the vibrant modding communities that surround them.
The catch is that mods are not debugged and tested the way the original game content was before release. A mod meant to change the look of the night sky may end up causing unforeseen glitches in other areas. The impressive potential of mods must be weighed alongside the unruly ways in which they can disrupt the gaming experience.
Consoles often have exclusive titles, but PCs compensate with sheer volume and variety. Platforms like Steam, GOG, and Epic Games Store house thousands of titles, from big blockbusters to indie darlings. Moreover, frequent sales ensure you can always find a bargain.
The PC ecosystem also supports older titles, ensuring that nostalgic classics are just a click away. Emulators further broaden horizons, allowing PC gamers to experience console games from bygone eras.
A seemingly endless array of options sounds amazing at first, but it often leads to gamers feeling paralyzed in their effort to find the next game worth playing. Console gamers are only forced to choose between 100 or so titles released in the last decade or so – meanwhile, PC gamers are faced with virtually limitless possibilities. The embarrassment of riches in terms of content is both a blessing and a curse.
Console gaming has its charm by way of its popularity and simplicity. Yet, as dedicated gamers discover sooner or later, PC gaming offers a vast, diverse, and immensely rewarding alternative as well as representing the cutting edge of gaming. The initial steps required to switch from console to PC can be challenging and time-consuming, but it’s ultimately no more difficult than what it takes to learn how to play a new game. If you’re a seasoned console gamer with the desire to transition to PC, know there’s nothing stopping you. It’s just a question of whether or not you’re willing to do so. Whether you stick to consoles or switch to PC, the final words of wisdom remain the same: have fun and game on!