With the right understanding, personality tests such as the Meyers-Briggs test could help businesses match the correct personality to the perfect job role. How could we harness personality types to improve production and efficiency?
Harnessing the natural power of our innate personalities could be the best way to match ourselves to our ideal jobs. We all know that certain personality traits – such as leadership skills or fastidiousness – are always preferred by employers. Employers search for soft skills, including how independent you are and how good your communication skills may be. However, given the accuracy of personality testing in 2023, is it time business owners switched to matching job roles using personality types to better meet production demands?
What Your Personality Type Says About You as an Employee
Companies already use different types of tests to find good employees. Taking a personality test, though, allows them to learn more about you. When you must perform the test make sure you answer honestly and be consistent. Don’t give hard answers and don’t overthink it. It is rare that an employer would make the personality test the breaking point for your interview process, but if you score well, it can help with things like team assessment, which helps match you to the right team and cultural fit.
The following personality types are some of the most common according to Meyers-Briggs:
- About 13.8% of the US population are personality type ISFJ. These people defend others bravely.
- ESFJ personality types come second with 12.3%.
- ISTJ has 11.6%.
- And ISFP personality types make up 8.8%.
Whereas the rarest personality type is the INFJ type, who are introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging people. Only 1.5% of the US population fit into this role.
Examples of Using Personality Types as a Tool for Job Placement
There is no lack of companies who demand your resume as well as test you to see if you fit their expectations. Other tests they may use include the Wonderlic cognitive Ability Test or the Leadership Assessment Test. It makes sense then that we should use a personality test to further match potential employees to available openings.
The average American might be Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. As an ISFJ personality type, they prefer carefully planned events, make decisions based on values, and focus on facts and details. This might make them perfectly suited to decision-making positions, since they have the empathy to deal with customer circumstances. They may also excel on the telephone.
On the other hand, an Extroverted Sensing Feeling and Judging personality type could be better at forward-facing, public roles. Whereas a person with an Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving personality might be at home in a designing or conceptualizing position. Each personality type has its own specific set of skills that employers can match to what they need.
Personality Type/HR Decisions in Action
Legend has it that 80% of all Fortune 500 companies already use personality tests to hire new employees. If it is good enough for the Fortune 500, it is good enough for your average SME.