Author: Andrey Davidov

As the CEO at DDI Development, a company which provides the full cycle of software development, Andrey is all about business, startups, and marketing. Last but not least, he is a happy husband and a proud father.

Understanding the nuances of long-term and short-term asset performance is essential for investors navigating the complexities of financial markets. While long-term investing focuses on sustained growth and compounding returns over the years, short-term investing aims to profit from rapid price movements. This article explores the key differences between these approaches and offers insights into how investors can optimize their investment strategies. Visit for further insights into algorithmic trading and its implications within the Bitcoin market. Long-Term Asset Performance Long-term asset performance refers to the behavior and returns of investments over an extended period, typically five years or more. Investors…

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Being on time for work every day is not always easy but it is important because it demonstrates your professionalism and your commitment to work. Punctuality is an attribute that is highly sought after these days because it shows that an individual is reliable and can be trusted for various tasks. People who are late at work can lower the morale of the entire workplace and send a silent message of irresponsibility. Therefore, it is important to be punctual at the workplace. Below we have mentioned a few tips that can help you improve punctuality at the workplace. Prepare in…

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Choosing the name of your startup is very important because the name is crucial in making or breaking your business. The right startup name can attract customers and investors, leading to the growth of the business, while the wrong one can lead to legal issues and branding challenges. The first impression that you put on customers and investors is through the name of your startup, as it changes the perception of your business. While naming startups, there are certain mistakes that entrepreneurs make, which often break the startups and these mistakes can be avoided. So here are common mistakes to…

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Businessman Sri Ram Tumuluri is a name synonymous with success in the global innovation arena. A lot can be said for driven individuals who are constantly on the lookout for the next big thing, and Tumuluri has carved a remarkable path in entrepreneurship, investment, and management. From humble beginnings to leading multinational ventures, his story is one of perseverance, vision, and achievement. Sri Ram Tumuluri: Businessman and CEO Ram Tumuluri, a visionary leader and entrepreneur, has left an indelible mark on the business world as the founder and CEO of the UK-based Causis Group. His journey began with a simple…

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As technology continues to reshape every aspect of our lives, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for all businesses, and the travel industry is no different. By embracing innovative solutions, travel companies can remain competitive, streamline operations, and provide exceptional experiences for their customers. For tour operators specifically, the landscape is rapidly transforming towards digitalization. Modern software offers a powerful toolbox to optimize business processes and elevate offerings, propelling your travel business to new heights.  Let’s explore five key ways in which modern tour operator software can revolutionize your operations. 1. Streamlined Booking and Increased Flow Modern tour operator…

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Forget the endless hustle of acquiring new customers in the world of e-commerce. While tried-and-true marketing tactics remain valuable, there’s a secret weapon gaining momentum: referral marketing. This strategy leverages the power of your existing happy customers, transforming them into brand ambassadors. These people promote your products and services to their network, generating genuine word-of-mouth recommendations that resonate deeply with potential buyers. Driving Growth Through Referral Marketing What makes referral marketing so effective? Ditch the sales pitch, and embrace the friend’s recommendation: People inherently trust their loved ones more than flashy ads, so referrals feel genuine and authentic, leading to…

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