When you have damaged credit, getting any sort of finance can be difficult. Many lenders won’t even entertain the idea of extending credit if you don’t meet a certain credit score and criteria, and this can make things very challenging if you want to make a major purchase, such as a house or a car. However, there are options available, even if your credit isn’t great.
If you’re looking to borrow money to buy a car but your credit score is low, you can consider other options. Whether you’re looking to buy a used vehicle or a luxury option such as a brand-new Haval SUV, you can consider a number of solutions that might be available to you.
In this article, we will look at some of the options you could look at if you want to finance a new vehicle with bad credit.
Some of Your Options
There are a few different options you might be able to consider in order to purchase your new vehicle if you have bad credit. The options available to you will depend on your situation and circumstances. Some of the possibilities are:
A Secured Loan
One of the options you might be able to consider if you are a homeowner is taking out a secured loan. These loans are secured against your property, and the amount you can borrow will depend on the amount of equity you have in your home, among other things.
You should think carefully before choosing this option, as your home could be at risk if you are unable to keep up with repayments. However, if you are confident you can keep on top of repayments, it could be a viable option for you.
Dealership Finance
Another thing that you can look at is dealership finance from the dealer you are purchasing the vehicle from. Of course, this is not an option if you are purchasing a used vehicle from a private seller.
However, if you plan to buy a car from a reputable dealership, you can find out more about this to see whether they can extend finance to you. Make sure you check the terms and APR and assess your affordability to avoid repossession of the vehicle.
Subprime Lender
One other option you might be able to consider is going to a subprime lender. These lenders specialize in offering credit to those who have damaged credit scores, so you have a higher chance of getting the money you need.
However, do keep in mind that the interest rates charged on these loans can be far higher than the standard, as they pose more of a risk to the lender. So, always make sure you look at the interest rates and repayments before you go for a subprime loan.
Buy the Vehicle You Want
By looking at your options and finding the right financial solution, you can buy the ideal vehicle for your needs, even if your credit is less than perfect.