As a small business owner, you know what it’s like to wear multiple hats, to keep your business running. With so many facets to manage singlehandedly, social media marketing can seem overwhelming and challenging. 

However, there’s a huge marketplace of prospects online that you should not overlook, no matter how small your business is. Using social media for your business can help you keep existing customers engaged, while at the same time attracting new ones.  

Here are a few ways you can take advantage social media to attract customers and achieve business growth at low cost. 

Start With a Plan

It doesn’t cost anything to get started with social media tools like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for business. But you need an upfront marketing plan for what you’re trying to achieve through social media. Set goals and objectives, research the competition to know what works for businesses like yours, and decide which platforms are perfect for you.     

Spread Brand Awareness

Social media being extremely popular, it’s a great platform to generate highly qualified leads through advanced targeting. Promote content that is aligned with the interests of your social media followers.

Publish brand-awareness social media posts which act like virtual flyers or newspapers. These are great tools to build brand-recognition and help small businesses achieve brand-identity.      

Track important performance indicator metrics within your social media account to understand if your posts are helping your brand. 

Consider important metrics like:

Impressions and Reach – a measure of how many views or how many users saw your post

Mentions – to check how often your brand gets mentioned on social media 

Followers – track the follower growth on your network. If a specific post or offer attracted several followers, follow that up with more of such posts or promotions.

Increase Website Traffic  

The next step to brand building is to entice social media users to visit your website. A good strategy for this can be by sharing blog posts, major news about your products or services, and through promotion of your in-store as well as online offers. While sharing such posts on social media, it’s a good idea to direct visitors to specific website pages or landing pages that are optimized for conversion. 

Track the posts that enticed users to click your URL, and if any posts directly caused lead generation or sales. Use Google Analytics to set up and track conversion goals. 

Form a Social Media Community

Social media is the perfect place to build trust with customers and develop loyalists. Form a brand community including brand loyalists and potential repeat buyers. You can ask members to fill out surveys and post photos or videos of themselves using your products. Make customers feel like they belong to your small-business family. This will ensure happy customers who will want to return again.  

Lastly, keep a close track of what your competitors are doing on social media and how they are using it. 

Now that you have a better understanding of how social media can help your business grow, find out more information by connecting with us at Local Digital’s Facebook advertising services.

Cameron Francis is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of ETRAFFIC, Melbourne's #1 Creative Agency and Digital Marketing Company. He is passionate about helping businesses of all sizes improve their online visibility.

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