How To Choose A Good Web Hosting? It is worth checking the parameters, price and other issues that may seem irrelevant to people looking for a place for a website. But they are actually very important when purchasing hosting.
1. Hosting account capacity
Account capacity specified in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). This is the amount of space on the server’s hard drive that the client has at its disposal. The capacity is used to store the files that make up the website. It is worth to make the capacity as large as possible – then it is possible to handle e-mail, etc.
2. MySQL databases
When purchasing hosting, you should pay attention to MySQL databases. What is it and why are MySQL databases so important?
MySQL are special types of files that store information about a page. Databases allow you to make many functions available to your website users.
MySQL is often overlooked when purchasing hosting. This is a mistake because MySQL is a very important component of modern websites – for content management systems such as WordPress and Joomla.
3. Data transfer
Data transfer gives the reader the opportunity to see a website in any place in the world, at any time of the day or night. The transfer limit determines how much data can be sent from a given hosting account. If a website contains, for example, a lot of photos, it needs to be high transfer limit. That is why it is worth remembering about it when buying hosting.
The data transfer is billed on a monthly basis. Importantly, you can increase the limit without changing your hosting package. This is very important for blogs or websites that are visited by a lot of people.
4. E-mail accounts
The number of e-mail accounts determines how many separate e-mail boxes can be created using one package. It is worth remembering about this when buying hosting.
Sometimes we need emails for employees, a company account, etc. – then the messages will be stored separately for each of these accounts.
5. WWW pages
When buying hosting, you need to remember how many standalone sites you can run with a single hosting account.
Often, providers do not set such a limit. “No limit” means that the customer can run any number of websites, which gives the opportunity to promote the brand and the company on the web and is important in terms of, for example, the company’s image on the web or the sale of products and services.
6. Test period
This is the time when the customer has the opportunity to try out a given hosting account. It lasts from 7 to 14 days and is free of charge. It’s worth checking this out when buying hosting.
7. FTP accounts
FTP is a file transfer protocol that enables two-way file transfer between a client and a server. When buying hosting, it is worth checking if this service is available. For example, FTP allows you to upload large files and send the recipient the URL only, which is very convenient.
8. Subdomains
These are internet addresses created on the basis of your domain. It is worth checking this when buying hosting. People who run, for example, an online store can, thanks to subdomains, create, for example, blogs and other important places on the web that allow them to achieve marketing and sales goals.
9. Fees – Free or Paid Hosting
As indicated above, paid hosting is a better choice as it gives you a lot more disk space. There are also no ads. But many people decide to go for free hosting in the beginning to test their website.
10. Security
Good hosting, in addition to the login (e-mail address) and password, also provides the option of enabling two-step verification when logging in. It provides security because even then if someone breaks the password, they will not be able to log in and manage the hosting. When choosing to host, it is worth remembering its price, space, subdomains, and other important issues. Many people start with free hosting to test their websites and then switch to paid hosting. When choosing paid hosting, it is worth paying attention to details that are important in terms of website visibility on the web and affect the effectiveness of marketing activities. This is very important, regardless of whether you are running a website with the company’s presentation or, for example, a blog or an online store. The speed of the website and the ability to reach customers and readers are always important, and hosting is responsible for that.
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