Telemarketing services are advantageous to small businesses that are determined to attain and even surpass their sales targets. Hiring telemarketers enables small business owners to tap into the skills of a professionally trained and well equipped marketing team. This is why anyone with the newest small business ideas should definitely look for telemarketing services.

The success rate of a trained marketing team is way higher compared to individual marketing efforts, where inadequate time and marketing skills pose as the greatest challenges to converting callers into customers. Through telemarketing, small businesses can swiftly establish and grow large customer databases using customers’ contact details.

Mistakes you should avoid

Before you hire a telemarketing company you should carry out proper research on your business needs and potential telemarketing agencies that may provide your marketing solutions. Here are three common but costly mistakes small business owners make while hiring telemarketing services.

  • Guessing expected call volumes

Poor estimation of expected call volume data is costly because one might end up incurring additional unforeseen costs. For instance, if you expect 2,000 calls per week but end up receiving 5,000 phone calls, the telemarketing agency will immediately increase your service charge.

  • Assuming everything will turn out great

In most cases, small business owners get excited about hiring specialized telemarketing agencies and forget paying attention to the finer details. Small business owners ought to listen in on calls to learn about the telemarketers’ response, whenever answering phone calls. You also need to know their depth of interest and enthusiasm towards the product.

  • Doing little research on the telemarketing agency’s reputation

The adage, “look before you leap,” comes quite in handy whenever you’re evaluating firms offering telemarketing services for small businesses. Some small business owners forget to contact references listed in a telemarketing agency’s brochure.

By avoiding these costly and deliberate mistakes, you will be in a better position to make informed choices for the prosperity of your small business.

5 factors to consider when seeking telemarketing services for small businesses

1. Scope of needs covered by the telemarketing agency

Businesses marketing their products or services to overseas markets may require additional services such as translation, to eliminate language barriers between telemarketers and potential clients. Due to time zone differences, you may require 24 Hour Operations to Communicate with potential clients located in various continents.

2. Size of your business

Before you hire a telemarketing company, you need to consider the size of your business to avoid burning your pockets with unnecessary expenditure. Large telephone marketing services offer sophisticated big budget telemarketing services that suit multinational companies and institutions.

3. Compatibility

When evaluating suitable telemarketing agencies, select the one that possesses in depth understanding and experience of your product. A telemarketing agency that has experience in selling real estate will market your houses and plots of land confidently because of their previous experiences.

4. Technology used by telemarketing firm

A telemarketing agency using a modern telephone calls support system and operates from an office customized to enhance audio clarity, guarantee provision of top notch telemarketing agencies. Always inspect the premises before committing yourself to the hiring contract.

5. Hiring costs

It is possible to receive brilliant telemarketing services that are within your budget estimate as a small business owner. Feel free to take a long drive around town and stopping by each telemarketing agency within your vicinity.

“We leverage telemarketing services for our software development company on a regular basis. It helps us save on costs and increase efficiencies within the company. By outsourcing, we are also able to focus on our core business of developing custom software for our clients.”

says Rahul Varshneya, President of software development company Arkenea.

Final thoughts

Hiring telemarketers enables multi tasking because you can market effectively while focusing on other business aspects such as strategic planning.

Do you need personalized consultation on the best telemarketing firms? We are ready to assist you.

Click here to learn more on prices.

As the CEO at DDI Development, a company which provides the full cycle of software development, Andrey is all about business, startups, and marketing. Last but not least, he is a happy husband and a proud father.

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