School holidays are always a blessing for children, as the days aren’t filled with duties, lessons, and homework. However, parents rarely share the same level of enthusiasm as they need to plan activities to keep the kids actively engaged.
How to make the days of holidays noticeable, so that the kids don’t spend their entire freedom being glued to the screens? Dedicate your time to planning this time, combining educational and entertaining goals.
Do nothing Day
Do-nothing days are a chance for self-reflection and just having a moment for a quick recharge, they can also be called mental health days. They help to stop all the rushing and running and just have a break. “Nothing” may have various meanings and is very individual. It is a non-active day, just lying in, watching cartoons and movies, listening to music, eating something nice, and relaxing after exhausting weeks of studying. Domestic chores aren’t recommended as well, only full freedom and no duties.
Middle-school students, unlike primary, may need two days, depending on their daily busyness, but not more.
Friends outings
While primary school kids will gladly spend time with parents or other family members and need guidance, teenagers may require time with peers outside without being watched by their parents. Such outings strengthen friendships and the feeling of being a part of the group; they boost the level of happiness and reduce stress. It is important to let kids meet outside the school, breathe in some fresh air, and finally discuss all the burning issues and gossip without being interrupted by annoying lessons.
Oftentimes parents don’t tolerate the idea of letting the kids outside due to security and safety risks. Such an approach is harmful to face-to-face communication and will drag teens even more to the screens.
Obviously, parents need to specify the place where their children are going to stay. However, the plans and route can be changed. Instead of constantly checking on the kids, just find a reliable GPS tracker for kids, which will help you track their location without interrupting their atmosphere. Besides, there’s a ‘listen-to-surrounding’ option, which can become really helpful if the kids aren’t answering the phone. The sounds around and precise location will help to understand what is going on.
Nature outing
Children are glued to the screens as adults. It will be a good idea to plan the outing to the forest or somewhere closer to the river, just going to the places with no network coverage. This will be a true chance to disconnect and charge your batteries. Even if the child seems to be unwilling to go to a “boring forest,” they will change their mind if you organize some activities or plan a hiking route, as aimless wandering may be the reason for complaints.
A workshop is a great way to learn something new and have fun. Various educational and entertainment centers offer a list of activities to choose from. It may be related to cooking, handicraft, sports exercises, dancing, etc. Typically, kids have a hands-on experience with something new and leave such classes having a sense of achievement.
The type of workshop should be chosen with the kids, considering their likes and preferences. It will also be a good idea to join your kids at the workshop, benefiting your quality time together, or offer their friends to come as well. Thus, after the holidays are over, they will have some specific and pleasant memories, instead of just missing this part of their time.
Family time
Family time is always important, not just during the holidays. The time you spend together creates memories, a comfort zone, and an invisible connection between all the members of the family. Holidays are beneficial in particular, as kids have free time in the evening, and parents have no need to help with homework. This free time can be used for playing board games, going outside, going shopping, visiting family and friends, watching a movie together, etc.
However, just watching regular news or TV series will never be beneficial, as it is a part of the daily routine.
Studying should be understood as a full-time routine. If there is something to catch up on, holidays give a perfect opportunity for that. Make a plan for revision, or just schedule the time for working with the most challenging topics. It’s better to be done during the days full of free time, and not leave everything for the working week, increasing the tension of studying.
School mid-term holidays are rather short; however, it’s just enough time to regain strength and go back to studying. It’s important to give the kids time to relax or even feel bored, which will actually motivate them to take part in various activities. Plan something worthy and find time for fun with your kids as well. Create memories together, take photos, and enjoy each other’s company. Such moments will always be part of your family history.