When you read an article with the title “Growth hacks to evolve…” you are basically asking for an easy way to evolve your social media marketing. You may have tried the “Tips and Tricks” you read in several other articles and you are still struggling. Do you know why all the “Easy” tips don’t work? Because if they did, then everybody would be doing them, which would then nullify them. If you want something, you have to work hard. This article isn’t going to remove the requirement of hard work, but it may help you direct your hard work into something that will actually pay off in the end.
Followers Do Not Equal Success (At Least Not Directly)
You are going to very slowly learn that the number of followers you have doesn’t affect your view count on your posts, and it doesn’t affect how effective your marketing campaigns become. You need to think about how you view your metrics. What does growth mean to you? What are your priorities? If your only priority is to earn ad revenue from your content, then the number of followers matters. If your priority is something like reputation management, then long-standing content is what matters. On the other hand, if you are looking for sales, then repeat-visited content is what matters.
Stop Asking People to Subscribe and Comment
There are some places where it is tolerated but not enjoyed (like YouTube and Rumble). However, there are places like TikTok and Instagram where asking people to subscribe is intensely annoying and will hinder your channel’s growth.
Re-posting Your Content With Different Editing and Different Music
Let’s say that you create some content that took you a long time and you think it is great. However, you post it online and it doesn’t do very well. You could just leave your content there and walk around sad that you wasted your time, but sometimes, you only need to tweak your content a little before it works. Strongly consider taking down your poor-performing content, re-editing it, perhaps to make it more streamlined and swift, and then re-uploading. If it is good, it may still go viral.
Buying Your Audience
You can go to places like Fameswap and buy the social media accounts of other people. Why would you want somebody else’s account? Well, think of it this way: wouldn’t it be great if somebody else posted great things about your social media/products/services/brand right now? What if you owned their accounts so that you could post positive content whenever you like? That is why you should consider buying social media accounts to exploit for your own social media channel’s growth.
Get Right To The Point Instead of Introducing
Another annoying thing that hinders social media growth is the introduction. There is now so much competition online that you cannot afford to be annoying. Only channels with a massive following can indulge in an introduction. Unless you have to explain your content, like explaining how you score your reviews based on 100 survey results, then you shouldn’t introduce your content and just get right on with what you are posting.
Fast and Ugly And Then Delete
Consider churning out content quickly and cheaply. It is not a great way to build a good online reputation, but it is one way to start your social media journey. Create content fast and post very frequently. The content that gets followers and likes should be kept. The content that underperforms should be deleted after a while. This isn’t a good long-term strategy, but as your channel grows, you can start investing more time and money into making better content that performs better and improves your online reputation.