Change is clearly afoot in the world of esports’ top flight in 2023 following the bombshell announcement of Counter-Strike 2, the long awaited successor of Global Offensive and the undeniable rise of VALORANT following a renovated and expanded Champions Tour circuit. And while the dust is yet to settle on those revelations, a further update from the Valve camp looks set to impact one of the world’s best loved competitive titles in critical ways.
On April 20th, Valve released a new patch to their pride and joy MOBA, Dota 2, which will likely redefine the meta for years to come. While Dota 2 may not command the headlines today of its rival LoL, there’s no denying the fact that its position as one of the top three esports in the world has remained unshakable for years thanks to its strong community and solid gameplay.
Following the esports boom, which catapulted the sector into mainstream awareness at the outset of 2020, Dota 2 has been an instrumental element in its aspirations to become a $3 billion industry by 2027. Leading comparison platforms such as OddsChecker that cover odds on headline esports events such as The International, find esports to be the fastest growing sport in the world by betting volume this decade, outpacing the likes of MMA, T20 Cricket and the MLS.
Valve hopes that this update, of which the core change is a significant increase to map size, will further future proof the title against both League and the growing number of mobile-optimized MOBAs increasingly nipping at the heels of the old guard. So what does it contain?
Maps 40% Larger
The big news is that maps have been expanded to be 40% larger than before. This has enormous implications for gameplay, as it effectively gives teams many more options for positioning, lane access and resource farming, opening up new tactics previously considered unworkable on the smaller arena.
All New Outposts
New Frontiers also doubles the number of outposts up for grabs, bringing the total number up from two to four. What’s more, the original outposts have been moved, shredding up the old playbook when it comes to area control and XP farming.
Welcome to the Jungle
Both jungles have been comprehensively reworked, offering new sightlines and routes. This may mean that your favorite ambush spot no longer exists, but you can rest assured there will be plenty of new hideouts to take advantage of now.
Rune Updates
Version 7.33 also serves up some new rune action to enjoy. The new Wisdom Rune grants an XP boost, and will typically spawn at the map’s edge near your base, resulting in an easily defensible resource that could well turn the tide of battle in a pinch. There’s also the new Shield Rune; a new River Power Rune that offers players 50% of their maximum HP as a barrier, which will surely become one of the update’s most hotly contested upgrades.
Creeps for Keeps
Creeps have seen a minor overhaul also – there are now 12 new Creep camps dotted throughout the map, with the majority positioned outside of the jungle for the first time. Additionally, there are two new classes of neutral Creep needing an introduction – Watchers and Tormentors.
Tormentors will spawn 20 minutes into the game, and hold out the promise of a horde of Aghanim’s Shards. But they’re not going to give them up lightly – not only do Tormentors spawn with incredibly strong shields, but they grow stronger each time you kill them, meaning taking them down will be a team effort. Watchers, when activated, will grant their vision to the activating team for seven minutes, but be warned – they can be both` disabled and sabotaged by your rivals if left undefended.
Lotus Pools
New Lotus Pools serve up fruit which provide mana and HP. There’s also an incentive to stockpile them – as when you bring enough fruits together, they will recombine in ever higher value, larger fruit.
Roshan’s New Digs
Roshan has now moved to two new pits which can be found in the southeast and northwest corners of the arena. Roshan’s also been buffed to be more tanky, making taking him down more of an undertaking than before. Fortunately, he has new goodies to make it worth your while.
Gateway Updates
Two new gates – the defenders gate and twin portal gates – now offer new means of getting around, or stopping your opponents from doing so. The Defender’s Gates provides a back door into your base that only your team can pass through, while portal gates have been doubled – there are now two to move players across the map instantly.