Linkedin message automation. How and for what?
Timing and relationships are key elements in achieving desired KPIs. Sales teams constantly focus on building stronger relationships. In the era of global digitalization, social networks are gaining the most popularity. LinkedIn is a social network for unique features. This platform is designed to find and establish business contacts. LinkedIn has over 500 million registered users representing 147 business sectors in over 200 countries. Advanced intelligent engagement is one of the main advantages of this platform. linkedin outreach by GetSales, will help you to increase potential customers through the smooth operation of the service.
LinkedIn allows registered users to create and maintain a list of business contacts, optimize processes and track the results. Contacts can be invited both from the site and from outside. LinkedIn users can use their contact list for a variety of purposes: publish professional resumes and search for jobs, recommend and be recommended, post vacancies, create interest groups, and work through multichannel prospecting campaigns.
Reasons to integrate with Linkedin
Below are the main pros and cons of integrating your business with Linkedin.
- Predictable leads. Statistics show that focusing on one key player is not enough to fully create business opportunities. LinkedIn provides the opportunity to simplify sales, reduce processes and reduce risks by making them predictable.
You save time, but you also ensure that you don’t lose sight of your customer’s needs. Alerts and insights keep you up to date in real-time with all the relevant information you need to take the best action to build your sales.
- Time is undeniably one of the most valuable intangible assets for a salesperson. As social selling suggests, it is highly recommended to attract and engage with your leads in order to generate qualified leads. A unique strategy for promoting your product or service is one of the most important keys to success.
Thanks to artificial intelligence and integration with LinkedIn, platform leads a strategy that allows you to achieve the best result with particular ease, which in turn makes it unique
- With its unique functionality and advanced cloud service, Linkedin helps you track the results with extreme precision. We can say with particular confidence that accurate tracking of results is one of the main reasons to consider this platform as the most demanded in the world.
With a good setup to track results, you can automate most tasks of varying complexity. Thereby:
- employees free up time from routine tasks, they become more productive and can better realize themselves in other areas of the company: sales, finance, marketing;
- the human factor is reduced, and with it, the risk of forgetting, missing something important or making a mistake (with a CRM system, you will not lose a single contact, transaction, or call due to the fact that an employee writes everything down in notes on his phone, and yesterday I missed my smartphone from the balcony and did not make a backup copy);
- the automated client base will help not to lose potential customers and profits;
- A CRM system can replace several different programs and services programs by combining instant messengers, email clients, telephony, task scheduler, analytical services, document editor, site management, calendar, file hosting, corporate social network, and much more into one platform.
- One of the biggest challenges sales reps face in their routine is getting the first face-to-face meeting. Getting to know someone in common can open the door for a first conversation and eventually a face-to-face meeting. The equation is simple: if your prospect trusts a third party that is part of your secure and enduring relationship, your prospect is more likely to trust you if you are represented by that third party. This relationship pattern works in any business scenario. This magic is called intelligent engagement.
- CRM tools revolutionized with LinkedIn integration. Regular sales provoke the loss of many transactions. Decision-making processes are more complex than ever. Business reports state that on average, more than six people are involved in the process. Interestingly, over 50% of these decisions are made outside of senior management.
As a result, it is no longer enough to focus on your key champion internally but to use autopilot on the target network. In addition, more than 70% of buyers no longer believe that sales representatives understand their business. Therefore, there is a real need to apply digital strategies in sales. This entails personalizing the content, helping them, teaching them something new, or how change might impact their business.
A few words about the key benefits of integrating with Linkedin
Taking full advantage of these five key benefits of LinkedIn CRM integration means improving the health of your business relationships. Timely understanding, saving time, and synchronization of key activities with your CRM. This will ultimately expand your portfolio of business opportunities, bringing you closer to your organization’s goals. Unify your sales experience, and optimize processes by creating sustainable and trusting relationships.
Employees who have mastered social selling play a critical role in the transition to a more modern sales strategy. They are the best representatives, setting the standard for their company and encouraging them to actively implement social selling methods. Join us to update you on the latest LinkedIn updates and show you how top marketers and sales professionals are using social selling tools, why you should use them, and how to effectively implement a social selling strategy.