There is no better time than this for movie lovers. Not only is there no shortage of quality content but there is also increasing accessibility of free movie streaming and download on the internet.
While streaming is one of the most preferred ways of enjoying a movie, many people enjoy the luxury of being able to download their favorite movie. This enables them to watch it at a time and place of their choosing without worrying whether the stream link will work or not.
The mushrooming of free movie streaming sites on the internet has ensured that each site needs to offer more services in order to become popular. In this context, there are many movie streaming sites that also allow you to download movies in HD quality to watch them offline.
What is SolarMovie?
SolarMovie is one of the most reliable platforms where you can stream as well as download movies and TV shows for free. It boasts a library of over 10,000 movies and TV shows combined. No wonder then that it is the first site that comes to mind when you want to watch a movie.
There is a small issue with SolarMovie, though, which makes it difficult for movie lovers to enjoy all the amazing content. Since it hosts copyrighted content, the SolarMovie website is often taken down.
Worry not though, since you can easily download the movies from SolarMovie and save them on your devices so that you can watch them any time you want.
How To Download Movies From SolarMovie?
The best part about SolarMovie is that not only can you download movies but you can also get them in HD quality, which makes a lot of difference. In this section, we bring to you three different ways you can use to download movies from SolarMovie without any hassles. Let’s get started, shall we?
Method 1 – Download movies from SolarMovie with CleverGet Video Downloader
Think video downloading, think CleverGet. This is one site where you can download videos not just from SolarMovie but also from Netflix, Hulu, HBO, and many other sites. One of its most popular modules is the CleverGet Video Downloader.
Let us take a look at the simple 3 step process that you can follow to download movies from SolarMovie with CleverGet Video Downloader.
Step 1 – Download and Install
This is the first step wherein you need to visit the official website of CleverGet Video Downloader and download and install the software. On the website, you will notice that there are multiple other modules that allow you to download content from other popular streaming sites.
Step 2 – Find the movie
In this step, you need to search for the movie that you wish to download. There are two ways you can do this:
- First, you can use the built-in browser on CleverGet Video Downloader to search for the movie.
- Second, if you already have the link to the movie then you can just paste the link onto the address bar of the CleverGet Video Downloader.
Step 3 – Download
Once you find your favorite movie and it starts playing, another pop-up window will emerge which will show you various download options.
You need to select the one that suits you and hit that download button.
The interesting feature to note here is that you can also download TV series through this tool and in that case, you can download complete seasons as CleverGet Video Downloader supports batch processing.
Method 2 – Download movies from SolarMovie directly
The second method that you can use for downloading movies from SolarMovie is to do so directly from the official website.
However, we must inform you that there are a few major issues with this method.
While the download process is very easy, it is important to know that not all movies are available for direct download. This means that you either need to stream them on SolarMovie or use CleverGet Video Downloader or some other tool to download them.
Furthermore, the official website of SolarMovie has been taken down so many times that presently, it is difficult to guess which is the official site. There are just too many mirror links and copycat sites which are floating around on the internet and not all of them are working or safe.
Method 3 – Download movies from SolarMovie with Video DownloadHelper
Basically, Video DownloadHelper is a browser extension that helps you download video and audio files from any website online.
Are you wondering how to use a browser extension to download movies from SolarMovie? Well, you are about to find out.
Step 1 – Download and Install
The first step is to go to the official website of Video DownloadHelper and install the extension on the browser that you use.
Step 2 – Visit the SolarMovie Site
The next step is to visit the SolarMovie site and play a movie. If the movie will be downloadable using this tool, then you will be able to see a highlighted icon of three balls. You need to click on this icon.
Step 3 – Download
Once you click on the icon, you need to choose the download option that suits you and confirm. Later, you must click on the ‘Use Browser’ option. That’s it. The movie will get downloaded.
Final Word
So which is the best option among the three, you ask? Well, in our opinion, using the CleverGet Video Downloader makes the most sense. This is because there are no limitations on using it while the other two methods have their own issues.
While not all movies are available for direct download on SolarMovie, the movie that you want to download must be downloadable for the browser extension to work. With CleverGet Video Downloader, you do not need to worry about any such problems and can even search for the movie on the tool itself.
If you are thinking about downloading movies from SolarMovie, you do not need to look beyond CleverGet Video Downloader.