Finding the ideas for a product launch can be exciting. Here the whole effort is put down to increase the sale of the product. Hence it becomes important to feature or highlight the product by creating a buzz about it. But the biggest challenge that most marketers face is how to do it. 

The majority of the companies rely on social media to promote or endorse their products. Social media helps to increase the popularity of the product by reaching the right set of audiences. Here we will talk about how you can create a buzz about the product by using social media platforms. 

Get to know your audience 

The first step towards creating the buzz about your product is to understand the audience first. Make sure to spend a good amount of time researching the industry and get to know about your industry. Try to understand the user’s point of view and find out the techniques that can work for your industry. There are several Retail PR agencies that help you with audience research. 

Share the teasers 

A good way to create the buzz about the product is to share or launch a small teaser of it. You can launch the teaser campaign to grab the attention of the audience and build anticipation. Here you would need to find the platform which would be useful for this activity. 

Start blogging 

Apart from promoting the product on social media, make your blog about it. You can draft a blog about how the product was created and its benefits. Writing a post about your product and answering its related questions can help to create a good buzz about it. 

Create the branded hashtags 

Hashtags are trending nowadays to promote the product on social media. Coming up with a catchy hashtag for online as well as offline platforms will help to make your product stand apart from others and curate the conversations about it. Right hashtags will also help users find the details about your product through it. 

Strike the right chord 

Striking the right chord will give your customers a reason to engage with the content. Make sure each of your posts contains a good value that can motivate people to share it further. If you find success with it, the audience will be able to know more details about the product. 

Create Videos 

Video is considered as the trending content for marketing in 2021. Creating a video requires a lot of effort, but it certainly pays off. With video, you can show the mini advertisement or behind-the-scenes footage of your product. These videos can certainly help keep your audience engaged and interested even after the product is launched. 

Find the right influencers 

Influencers have become the new thing in digital marketing, and several companies are taking its benefits. Influencers are the people who are well respected and popular in a specific niche with a huge fan following. Here they post the content related to your product with their audience to promote it. 

Do not reveal too much 

Most of the time, marketers tend to reveal too much information at the time of launch, which can hurt the brand’s overall image. Make sure to build anticipation and create some kind of suspense about your product offerings. You can create the hype or drop a hint. 

Organize contests 

The prime objective of the product launch is to create buzz. One of the best ways is to hold contests. These contests can be fun, and people tend to remember them most of the time. You can come up with a contest that is relevant to your product. 

Use the clear copy 

Using the right strategy and the right content can certainly help to create the buzz around your product. Make sure to use a clear copy of the product message and its specification to deliver the right message to the audience. You can use the simple landing pages along with small descriptions in your social media promotion copies to deliver a concise and clear copy. Using these ideas in your pre-launch social media campaigns will certainly help to create the required buzz. 

Cameron Francis is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of ETRAFFIC, Melbourne's #1 Creative Agency and Digital Marketing Company. He is passionate about helping businesses of all sizes improve their online visibility.

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